Accessibility Services
The UIC Library welcomes users with disabilities and is committed to providing accessible services, spaces and resources for everyone!
The following information aims to assist users with disabilities to effectively use the UIC Library.
If you encounter an accessibility issue at the Library or with our website, please either email to let us know or submit UIC’s accessibility form that goes to UIC’s ADA Coordinator. We are also happy to answer any questions!
Individuals with concerns about UIC Library accessibility may also contact Rhea Ballard-Thrower, University Librarian.
Contents Heading link
Library facilities
- Entrance information
- Quiet Areas
- Distraction-reduced study or test taking
- Specialized furniture
- Accessible restrooms
- Lockers
- Service dogs
- Emergency evacuation
Assistance with research & library materials
- Research assistance
- Request books from the shelf
- Designate someone to check out books for you
- Scanning of library materials
- Interlibrary loan and OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
- Accessibility features of e-book platforms
Drop-off, parking, and transportation information by library
- Getting to the Daley Library
- Getting to the Library of the Health Sciences-Chicago
- Getting to the Crawford Library of the Health Sciences-Rockford
- Getting to the Library of the Health Sciences-Peoria
Additional information
Entrance information Heading link
Daley Library
The Daley Library has three entrances, none of which have any associated stairs:
- Information Commons Doors: These face the Quad and are on the east side of the building. There is a push button on the card swipe stand on the right side of the doors on a post (approximately 3 feet high).
- Main Doors Facing Quad (East Doors): To the left of the revolving doors there is a single entrance door with a push button. The pushbutton is on the card swipe post on the left side of the door (approximately 3 feet high).
- Doors facing Morgan (West Doors): In between the two revolving doors there are two single entrance doors. Each door has a push pad located on the brick pillar approximately 7 feet from the door.
Library of the Health Sciences-Chicago
The Library of the Health Sciences-Chicago has a single entrance, located on Polk St. There is a ramp up to this entrance and also stairs. There is a push button option on the door furthest to the left when facing the entrance. There is also a card swipe near the door furthest to the left. At certain designated hours, including weekends and hours outside of 8am-5pm on weekdays, users must use the card swipe to enter the building.
Crawford Library of the Health Sciences-Rockford
There is a ramp on the left side of the doors that lead up to the building entrance. There is a card swipe and a push button to open the outer doors. Once inside the inner doors there is also a push button to the left of the doors which opens the door on the left.
The library is to the immediate right.
Library of the Health Sciences-Peoria
The Library of the Health Sciences-Peoria has a single outer entrance, located on Illini Drive. There are multiple ramps up to this entrance, including one immediately in front of the entrance and one at the end of each sidewalk leading to the main entrance. To the right of the outer doors there is a touchless entry sensor on a post. The outer door will open when you place your hand or other object in front of the sensor. There is a second sensor on a post inside the vestibule that opens the interior door. At certain designated hours, including weekends and evenings, users must call the security desk using the posted phone number to enter the building.
All visitors are greeted upon entrance by a security guard who can direct visitors to the Library or answer other questions. The Library is located on the second floor accessible by stairs or elevator.
For the Daley Library, we have also have a detailed sets of maps that includes information about how to get to the library, the nearby environment, and what is available on each of its four floors.
For information on how to get to these libraries, please see the sections for:
Quiet Areas Heading link
Both Daley and the Library of the Health Sciences have designated quiet areas that are available for all students.
In the Daley Library, the Circle Reading Room is an enclosed room on the first floor of the library that is a designated quiet space. Also, the third and fourth floors are both designated as quiet floors.
In the Library of the Health Sciences, the third floor is the designated quiet floor. There is also a large quiet enclosed reading room (107) on the first floor.
Distraction-reduced study or test taking Heading link
If you have an accommodation and need to reserve a space at the Daley library specifically for taking an online test, please contact the Disability Resource Center at least 72 hours prior. They will contact the library, and a library staff member will reserve a room on your behalf.
There is also a space in the Library of the Health Sciences-Chicago (room 319) that you can directly reserve for this purpose.
Specialized Furniture Heading link
In the Daley library, there are two Brody lounge chairs in the Circle Reading Room and ten located on the east side of the 3rd floor. These chairs are designed to help reduce visual distractions, provide privacy and a sense of security.
There are also two of these chairs in the Library of the Health Sciences-Peoria and the Library of the Health Sciences-Rockford.
Accessible restrooms Heading link
In the Daley Library, there are multi-stall restrooms on all four floors that have a wheelchair accessible stall. On the second floor, there is a gender-inclusive, single person restroom which is wheelchair accessible.
In the Library of the Health Sciences-Chicago, there are multi-stall restrooms with a wheelchair accessible stall on the lower level, first floor, and the third floor. The first floor also has a gender-inclusive, single person restroom which is wheelchair accessible.
Lockers Heading link
Lockers in both the Daley Library and the Library of the Health Sciences-Chicago may be available for longer term use by students with accommodations. Please reach out to the Disability Resource Center or the Disability Cultural Center for more information.
Service dogs Heading link
Service dogs are welcome in the UIC Library. Service dogs are trained to do specific tasks and must be under control at all times. For information about assistance animals, also known as therapy and emotional support animals see the UIC Service and Assistance Animal Policy.
Emergency evacuation Heading link
When elevators are not in service proceed to the designated Area of Rescue Assistance or nearest stairwell if you can and wait there to be evacuated by a member of the UIC Police Department (UICPD) or an emergency responder.
If possible, ask a member of the library staff or another person to accompany you to the stairwell. Ask the person to immediately inform UICPD and/or other emergency responders of your exact location (floor, stairwell number, etc.) once the person has evacuated.
Once in the stairwell, call UICPD (312-355-5555) for help; if no help arrives in 5-10 minutes, call again.
Research Assistance Heading link
Make an appointment with a librarian to discuss your research assignments and identify relevant resources. One option is to meet online, sharing a screen to walk through the search process together. To work in person with a librarian and a sign language interpreter, please use this form to request an interpreter. It is recommended that you allow one week’s notice for this.
You can also get help via our “Chat with a librarian” chat option, which displays at the bottom of every Library website window.
You can also send us an email using this form.
Request books from the shelf Heading link
Anyone may request that books be pulled for picked up at the front desk.
There is a video here that shows how to submit this request.
Here is a text version of this process:
- Go to the UIC Library Search.
- Sign in (top right)
- Search for and locate the item of interest
- Click “Available at (location).”
- Click “Request Local Copy.”
- Select your “Pick Up Library” and “Pick Up Location.”
- Click “Place Request.”
- You’ll get an email when the book is ready to pick up. (Requests are usually pulled within 24 hours, except on weekends)
As staffing permits, Library staff can also accompany students and employees who need assistance to the stacks in order to browse and retrieve books.
Designate someone to check out books for you Heading link
Patrons with disabilities can designate a proxy, another person who has authority to check out books for you using their own i-cards.
Scanning library materials Heading link
Students in need of alternate format of inaccessible library materials must first register with the Disability Resource Center (DRC), then fill out the Alternate Format Request Form. The DRC and the Library work collaboratively through this process to ensure students have equitable access to educational materials in a timely manner.
Faculty and staff who have requested and received an accommodation from the Office for Access and Equity (OAE) may place requests for materials by contacting their nearest ILL office using the relevant email address listed below.
- Richard J. Daley Library:
- Library of the Health Sciences, Chicago:
- Library of the Health Sciences, Peoria:
- Crawford Library of the Health Sciences, Rockford:
- Library of the Health Sciences, Urbana:
Interlibrary loan & OCR (Optical Character Recognition) Heading link
If you would like articles or chapters that you request through ILLiad to be OCRed, please include a note in the notes field to that effect when you submit your request.
Please see Request Items for more on interlibrary loan.
You do not need to be registered with the DRC in order to make these requests.
While libraries may often notice and honor an OCR request, sometimes they may not, and since fulfilled requests are automatically uploaded into our system and notifications are triggered without manual intervention we do not have an opportunity to intervene prior to your receiving the requested item. However, if you find that your requested item has not been OCRed, please alert us by responding to the email stating that your item is available and we can convert it to OCR-readable using Adobe Acrobat.
Accessibility features of e-book platforms Heading link
We now have detailed charts available that compare some of the different e-book platforms that we use at UIC, as well as their compatibility with JAWS and VoiceOver (scroll down on the page for the charts for JAWS and VoiceOver).
These charts contain information for each e-book platform listed including keyboard-only navigation, ZoomText compatibility, Text-to-Speech compatibility, magnification and re-flowable text, contrast, font color, size and style, and distinction without color.
Using assistive technology Heading link
While the Library had assistive technology software installed on dedicated computers in the past, more recently issues have emerged for UIC’s enterprise licenses for these products that are currently being reviewed.
For information about assistive technology software please see the Disability Resource Center’s webpage on assistive technology.
For consults, trainings, and more information about assistive technology, students are encouraged to contact
Getting to the Daley library Heading link
The Richard J Daley Library is located at 801 S Morgan St. There is a detailed map available for how to get to this library.
Drop Off Locations:
There are entrances on both the east and west side of the library, but the west entrance is the closest to street drop off, and can be accessed by heading North on Morgan Street. There are two curb cuts leading to the door.
Accessible Parking:
Visitor Parking and Card Access Parking
• Lot 4: 761 West Polk St
• Halsted Street Parking Structure: 760 West Taylor Street
Public Transportation:
• Closest: 8 Halsted & Polk (Northbound and Southbound)
• Other options:
7 Harrison & Morgan (Eastbound and Westbound)
60 Harrison & Morgan (Eastbound and Westbound)
157 Taylor & Morgan (Eastbound and Westbound)
CTA Train stop
• Blue Line, UIC Halsted Station
Intracampus Shuttle Stops
Live Route:
Closest stop varies by date and time.
Getting to the Library of the Health Sciences-Chicago Heading link
Library of Health Sciences-Chicago is located at 1750 W Polk St.
Drop Off Location:
Drop-off is available heading westbound on Polk Street on side of the road (has a curb) right in front of LHS entrance. The closest curb cut is at the corner of Polk and S Heritage Ave.
Accessible Parking
Visitor Parking
• LOT E1: 820 South Paulina Street
Card Access Parking
• Closest is at Lot N1: 713 South Wood St.
• Other nearby options are: LOT E (820 South Paulina Street) and LOT AOB (860 South Paulina Street)
Public Transportation
• Closest: 7 Polk Pink Line Station (Eastbound and Westbound)
• Other options:
157 Polk & Wood (Eastbound and Westbound)
7 Polk & Wood (Eastbound and Westbound)
CTA Train
• Closest: Pink Line, Polk Station
• Other options: Blue Line, Illinois Medical District Station
Intracampus Shuttle Stops
Live Route:
Stop: CTA Pink Line Station
Getting to the Crawford Library of the Health Sciences-Rockford Heading link
The Crawford Library of the Health Sciences-Rockford is located at 1601 Parkview Ave. in
Rockford, Illinois. The Library is in the East Building.
Accessible parking
At the East Building Entrance there is handicapped parking on the left facing the building.
Getting to the Library of the Health Sciences-Peoria Heading link
The Library of the Health Sciences-Peoria is located at One Illini Drive.
Drop Off Locations:
Drop off is available immediately outside the entrance doors at One Illini Drive. There is a ramp located at this entrance.
Accessible Parking:
There are multiple accessible parking spaces off Illini Drive near the entrance doors.
Additional parking is available in the Visitor and Card Access Parking Lots. There are multiple ADA ramps leading from the parking lots to the entrance. Access to the Visitor Parking Lot costs $1 upon exit.
Public Transportation:
There are several CityLink bus stops within a few blocks of campus.
CityLink also operates 2 different door-to-door services for those in or outside of the Peoria metropolitan area that may need additional assistance:
Commitment Heading link
The University of Illinois at Chicago is committed to maintaining a barrier-free environment so that individuals with disabilities can fully access programs, courses, services and activities at UIC.
Other campus resources Heading link
Disability Resource Center: Their mission is to empower the UIC community with the knowledge, resources, and skills necessary to ensure full access and engagement for students with disabilities in all aspects of college life.
They also provide a wonderful list of other campus and external resources, partners, & online learning guides
Disability Cultural Center: This center offers public programs, discussion series, arts-based workshops, and one-on-one support — working to engage an understanding of disability as a social justice issue and a site for identity, community, and culture.
Department of Disability and Human Development (DHD):The DHD department is an internationally-recognized center for the interdisciplinary study of disability.
The UIC Law Library has its own separate accessibility guide which describes its facilities, resources, and services.